Wednesday, December 7

Homeage to Helvetica - Narcissism

做做做....通頂.....畫畫畫.....做完....又多手改layout.....hang illustratior 慘烈.........死file......再做過.....又通頂.....又畫過.......冇心機........



The neon lights, noisy sounds and the nasty smells from outside make me nauseous. Environment is three-dimensionally being transformed by naive humans. Too much news, too less natural nutrients. Is this world getting nuts? New figures come and go, all too busy to notice me. My neighbour sees me as a total stranger, so i see her as a nerd. There's no way to have neighbourly concerns nowadays. Who's your neglected next door? People like getting nearby but never share; friends like sharing but seldom be honest; honest lovers are always negotiators. I don't need such companies, fakers. Now everydody is nobody. No one cares cuz' no one's there. Here I m naked, bitting my nails without nervous. I'm just what I need then nothing's neccessary. Narcissism. My love is too great for others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice~~and thanks!!
