Tuesday, February 28

A Scanner Darkly


"A Scanner Darkly" is set in suburban Orange County, California in a future where America has lost the war on drugs. When one reluctant undercover cop (Reeves) is ordered to start spying on his friends, he is launched on a paranoid journey into the absurd, where identities and loyalties are impossible to decode. It is a cautionary tale of drug use based on the novel by Philip K. Dick and his own experiences. "A Scanner Darkly" stars Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr., Woody Harrelson, Winona Ryder and Rory Cochrane and is written for the screen and directed by Richard Linklater.

經過五年後,Waking Life 製作團成型作!

Another Trailer From Apple.com


Anonymous said...

hi there. Nice stuff you have here :)

Anonymous said...

我係Philip K. Dick的fans,熱切期待呢部戲上畫。